Concrete repair and protection

40% of the buildings show damage to their reinforced concrete structures.

Some 40% of buildings show damage to their reinforced concrete structures. These are structures that combine steel and concrete, and are one of the most widely used construction solutions as they are present in all buildings (beams, pillars, stairs, etc.) and even in infrastructures such as bridges, tunnels, dams, sewage systems, etc.

Thus, ageing also affects these elements, which require adequate maintenance in order not to be damaged. In addition, given their structural nature in supporting loads in buildings, their revision and repair is vital to avoid deterioration that could compromise the safety of the infrastructure.

Because despite being characterised by their great durability – which can range from 10 to more than 100 years, depending on the useful life for which they have been designed – experts stress the importance of subjecting reinforced concrete structures to appropriate maintenance programmes after 10 or 20 years, in the event of the appearance of cracks and spalling or external situations such as increased loads, water filtration or aggressive environments that cause their deterioration.

Thus, experts stress the importance of going beyond the Technical Building Inspection (ITE), which is responsible for assessing these issues in buildings older than 30 years, and to rely on a specialised technician who will review and determine the possible causes and origin of the deterioration, as well as the definition of the appropriate strategy for its repair according to Standard 1504.

What are the main harms they suffer and what motivates them?

According to experts, the causes of deterioration of reinforced concrete are numerous and range from its physical-chemical origin (corrosion or oxidation of the steel reinforcement) to design errors, poor workmanship or external causes, including frost and thaw cycles. The oxidation of the reinforcement, for example, causes an increase in volume, cracks, spalling or even a decrease in its strength.

Depending on the causes and extent of the damage, the repair will be structural – to rebuild the solidity of the infrastructure – or purely aesthetic – to renew its image and also include a protective function. For structural repairs, there is a new generation of 3-in-1 mortars (Propam Repar Techno) that allow the infrastructure to be rebuilt with a single product and in a single step, following the instructions of a specialist technician.

In this way, in accordance with Standard 1504, this type of mortar passivates the reinforcement (prevents rust from increasing), is a structural repairer and acts as a surface protection system. All of this, added to its rapid commissioning due to its high hardening without shrinkage or its impermeability, makes it a fast repair product for the reconstruction of all types of elements subjected to aggressive environments such as pillars, chimneys, warehouses, water treatment plants, tunnels or even structures in contact with sea water.