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Propam Tec, solutions to refurbish your home

The context of the pandemic has probably meant that the time you spend at home is much longer than it used to be, and you have considered making some improvements to your home to give it that touch you have always wanted. If this is your case, you will be interested to know the Propam tec range, the essential solutions to refurbish your home quickly and easily.

Have you thought about renovating your home in the last year?

There are many families who, although they consider renovating their home, do not take the step because they consider that complex and costly work is required. This is a mistake, as sometimes simple renovations are enough to give your home a new look.

In fact, in order to facilitate the work of professionals and users when it comes to getting the house ready and improving its image inside and out, at Molins we have put a selection of essential technical products on the market. This is our new Molins Propam Tec, which brings together a series of innovative solutions with the aim of achieving a healthy construction within everyone’s reach to make home care a simpler and more pleasant task.

Revalue the price of your home by up to 20%.

A range committed to home care that responds to the growing demand for reforms in recent months and which is segmented into different categories, depending on the professional use for which they are designed, covering tasks in the home that are related to repairs, waterproofing, flooring, grouts and anchoring. In other words, they are 360º solutions for home maintenance that make it possible, for example, to renew the appearance of the façade and its waterproofing to prevent damp in critical areas of the home, repair cracks, fissures or other damage to terraces, columns, walls or improve the floors of basements, garages, etc.

In short, these are versatile products that provide a solution to a large part of the damage that our home can suffer due to the passage of time, knocks or in the event that we want to give it a renewed air and adapt it to our needs. In fact, they are products that are quick and easy to apply, of high quality and maximum performance.

To take care of the structure of your home

Among the products included in the Propam Tec range is the new generation of reinforced concrete repair mortars with which to stop the damage suffered by 40% of the buildings that include this construction solution such as beams, pillars, stairs… although it is also used in infrastructures such as bridges, tunnels, dams or sewage systems.

In this way, it contributes to repairing damage of different types: physical, chemical -such as corrosion or oxidation of the steel reinforcement that ends up causing an increase in volume, cracks, spalling or a reduction in its resistance-, design errors, poor execution, external causes -increased loads, aggressive environments- or ageing. All of these can end up compromising the safety of the infrastructure, which is why it is advisable to go beyond the Technical Building Inspection and define a strategy for their repair.

Safe and regular flooring

If you want to improve the floor in your home to make it flatter, more durable, without bumps or unevenness, Nivelante 10 and Nivelante 80 from the Propam Tec range can also help you. This is a range designed for new construction or renovation in interiors and exteriors that can be applied to floors in bathrooms, living rooms, bedrooms, storage rooms, attics, and even pavements and any pedestrian pavement.

Combating damp

To provide a solution to one of the most common problems in homes, this range includes solutions such as Propam Cal Sec, a mortar that evaporates capillary dampness, i.e. dampness that seeps from the ground into the walls of the home.

Thus, from repairing structural elements such as stairs or balconies, renewing the appearance of facades, repairing cracks, fissures or other damage to terraces, columns or walls and improving basement and garage floors, Molins has a range of 360º solutions for the essential maintenance of the home in a quick and simple way within everyone’s reach.

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