How to fit glass wool in the chamber of an enclosure

SoluciónHow to fit glass wool in the chamber of an enclosure

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The need to achieve effective thermal insulation, and even more so in these times when it is necessary to minimise energy expenditure, has led the construction sector to develop materials such as glass wool for use as thermal insulation and acoustic absorber in building envelope walls in residential, commercial, industrial and service buildings.

The solution consists of usingPROPAM® MUROS, i.e. a hydraulic mortar that acts as a waterproofing adhesive coating. It is especially suitable for the installation of this type of panel.

For correct installation, it is necessary to use a mortar that also allows the enclosure to be waterproofed against water that can penetrate from the outside, without forming a vapour barrier.

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Check the state of the substrate, it must be resistant and completely set and free of dust, paint, oils, etc…

Remove mortar residues from the joints between bricks.

The substrate must be moistened with water, especially at high temperatures.


Spray the material as evenly as possible, taking care that the surface of the enclosure is completely covered with material.

When the surface is uneven, it is advisable to apply a first coat with a mortar consistency in order to cover possible holes and hollows.

When the mortar is still fresh, fix the glass wool by hand pressure.

Lift the brickwork to make the finishing of the chamber.


  • Apply between +5ºC and +35ºC temperature.
  • Deficiencies in substrate flatness can alter product performance.
  • PROPAM® MUROSshould be applied by means of a mortar spraying machine equipped with a nozzle that facilitates a larger spraying radius.