Energy refurbishment using the SATE system

SoluciónEnergy refurbishment using the SATE system

Descripción sistema

Xunta de Galicia
Type of work
Ceip Curros Enriquez
Approx 2450 m2
Date of intervention
July-August 2020

Molins Products
SATE System:

The Xunta de Galicia has been investing for years in improving the energy efficiency of educational centres in the region. The Curros Enríquez Infant and Primary Education Centre in Celanova was one of the actions aimed at improving the energy efficiency of buildings whose infrastructures did not meet the current parameters. The fi n is to achieve greater energy savings, with lower electricity consumption and at the same time improve comfort inside the classrooms. The Conselleria of education awarded the energy rehabilitation in a period of execution of two months, the objective was that the works were finished at the beginning of the course.

Challenges and constraints

“Large-scale work in terms of metres of façade with a SATE system (2450 m2).
“Limited time to carry out the work (<2 months).
“Supply of components and materials at short notice with different colours out of catalogue.
“Use graphite EPS with high temperatures (they absorb more heat before being protected).
“A fine finish of the acrylic mortar requires an excellent flatness free of faults and flaws.
“Extreme cleanliness and avoid mixing due to the wide variety of colours in the finished product.

Molins’ SATE system solution, SISTEMA PROPAM AISTERM

“Thorough cleaning and preparation of the substrate using a hydro-cleaner (200 bar), leaving the substrate clean of any loose or disintegrable particles.
“In the case of unstable cracks, they must be bridged to prevent the transmission of stresses to the slabs, using repair mortars from the PROPAM® TECHNO range.
“Laying of the starter profile with 80 mm drip tray.
“Laying of the graphite expanded polystyrene sheets by gluing with PROPAM® AISTERM waterproof adhesive mortar.
“Placement of anchor plugs fixing ABC supports.
“Protection and coating of the insulating boards by applying PROPAM® AISTERM waterproof adhesive mortar in two coats with PROPAM® AISTERM FIBRE GLASS MESH 160 in between the two coats.
“Application of REVAT® FILM primer.
“Application of acrylic mortar with REVAT® PLAS UF SLX siloxane and colours determined by the project management.


First of all, the mortar substrate was cleaned using a hydro-cleaner, removing all dirt and disintegrable or loose particles. Some existing cracks in window lintels were stapled using PROPAM® REPAR TECHNO SR repair mortar.

The starting profile was placed to support, protect and guarantee good levelling when laying the EPS boards, and then the boards were glued with PROPAM® AISTERM waterproof adhesive mortar. The adhesive was placed in the form of a bead around the entire perimeter of the board with a width of 80-100 mm and three sticking points in the centre instead of the entire gluing of the board in order to correct and avoid at all costs any defects in the flatness of the substrate.

Although the starting profile was placed more than 15 cm above the base, we took the precaution of using XPS 80 mm extruded polystyrene in the first course due to its greater resistance to humidity. PROPAM® AISTERM TACOS FIJACION ABC were installed at a rate of 6 tacos/m2, which due to the characteristics of the altitude of the building and geographical location are sufficient to complement the fastening (always 24 hours after gluing with adhesive).

The next process was the covering and protection of the insulating panels by spreading PROPAM® AISTERM waterproof adhesive mortar in a uniform layer (3-4 Kg/m2) with PROPAM® AISTERM FIBRE GLASS MESH 160 and pressing it into the mortar, to apply another layer of adhesive (2-3 Kg/m2) 24 hours later, trowelling it and minimising any deviations in flatness and faults on the surface.

The process was repeated on the entire ground floor, with a double mesh for greater protection against knocks and impacts. The category of use and resistance to vandalism was upgraded from II to I.

After 24 hours, REVAT® FILM was applied as a primer coat. This product is the same colour as the acrylic finishing mortar. Its mission is to serve as an anchor due to its high penetration power, to regularise the absorption of the acrylic mortar, guaranteeing its good colour homogeneity and improving its performance, and at the same time, it prepares the surface in the same tone as the final finish.

Finally, the REVAT® PLAS UF SLX self-cleaning acrylic mortar protective finish was applied with a trowel (thickness 800 microns), for greater protection and high durability, trowelling it with a plastic trowel. As we can see, the system has several stages where a period of time needs to pass between them. Therefore, different steps were carried out simultaneously on different facades.

Technical note