Ceramic tile installation: Joints

How to prevent efflorescence in joints, with Borada® Chroma

Discover how to prevent efflorescence in joints with Borada® Chroma by Propamsa.

The use of ceramic tiles in architectural projects, both for residential and civil works, has become increasingly popular due to their durability, aesthetics, versatility and their use both indoors and outdoors. However, the appearance of efflorescence in the joints between these tiles can compromise the integrity and aesthetics of the finish. Fortunately, innovation in building materials has led to the development of products such as Borada® Chroma, designed specifically to address this problem and provide the user with the best possible experience and results.

What are the causes of efflorescence in joints between ceramic tiles?

To begin with, efflorescence is a whitish stain resulting from the migration and subsequent evaporation of water laden with soluble salts.

Possible causes include

  • Use of grouts with high salt content.
  • Exposure to moisture, whether from the substrate, leaks or excessive cleaning during tile installation.
  • Inadequate drying conditions that accelerate the evaporation of the grout water. It is necessary to wait until the tile adhesive has completely dried before grouting can be carried out with guarantees.

How to prevent efflorescence in joints

The key lies in a combination of proper material selection, correct installation techniques and optimal drying conditions.

New Borada® Chroma helps prevent efflorescence

It is not only about combating efflorescence; Borada® Chroma is an integral product that offers a complete solution for the joints between ceramic tiles, providing a product with a high workability, aesthetic finish and a quick commissioning.

Discover more features of the new Borada® Chroma: New formulation BORADA® CHROMA: jointing cement

Properties of Borada® Chroma to prevent efflorescence

  • Water resistance with a drop effect: Borada® Chroma actively repels water, as well as being highly waterproof.
  • Anti-mould: Thanks to its formula it is able to prevent the formation of mould in the joints, thus guaranteeing a clean and healthy appearance.
  • Special for large formats: Its formulation is perfectly adapted for use on large tiles, ensuring a uniform and long-lasting finish.
  • Fast commissioning: Borada® Chroma is designed for fast curing and drying, allowing the applied areas to be used in a short time.
  • Light Stable Colours: Offering a range of 30 colours, each colour remains unalterable under exposure to light, ensuring that seals maintain their original appearance over time.
  • Flexibility: This gasket is capable of adapting to slight movements without cracking, protecting the integrity of the joints.
  • High workability: Its consistency and formulation allow professionals to apply it with ease, guaranteeing a high quality finish.

With Borada® Chroma, professionals and homeowners have at their disposal a state-of-the-art solution that not only prevents efflorescence, but also ensures a high quality aesthetic and functional finish in joints between ceramic tiles.

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