SATE – Thermal Insulation

Advantages of ETICS: Why it is the best insulation system

The acronym SATE stands for Exterior Thermal Insulation System, a system that is becoming increasingly fashionable, and which also fulfils two very important functions: improving energy efficiency in buildings, both for new construction and renovation, and optimising the comfort of the home.

At Molins we are attentive to cover each of the needs that our clients may have, which is why we have eight SATE systems:

  • Comfort;
  • Comfort +;
  • Acoustic;
  • Waterproof;
  • Mineral insulation;
  • Ceramic finish;
  • Smooth finish
  • And anti-impact.

Each of these systems is designed to cope with different weather conditions.

Main advantages of the SATE

During this last year you will have heard this word a million times, but have you ever wondered what advantages it has to make everyone talk about the SATE? Or why everyone finally decides to install it?

In this article we tell you about the most important advantages of Exterior Thermal Insulation.

Reduce the energy consumption of dwellings

Undoubtedly, this is the main benefit that is achieved by installing SATE in our home, as it allows us to save more than 30% of the energy consumed by buildings, by better conserving the interior temperature.

A very significant figure considering the energy situation we are currently experiencing with the huge price increases.

Eliminates or minimises thermal bridging of buildings

According to data from Molins, 30% of energy escapes through so-called thermal bridges, which are generally located on the façade or roof through which the energy stored inside the home escapes. We often do not realise that they exist until an in-depth examination of the home has been carried out.

Optimises thermal comfort

There is no better feeling than to feel that our home is very comfortable. With the SATE this is possible. In addition, it maintains an adequate indoor temperature all year round.

It is a way to protect and maintain the facades.

The temperatures during the year are constantly changing, and in many occasions these thermal jumps generate a great deal of damage to the structure (concrete, cement, bricks…).

In this way, the SATE, also known as the shelter of the buildings, is placed on the façade and protects them, increasing their thermal resistance and extending their useful life.

Reduces the risk of condensation, moulds and fungi

Damp, mould and condensation are some of the most common problems that tend to appear in our homes. The SATE, when installed on the outermost layer of the façade, reduces the risk of these problems appearing.

Minimal disturbance to residents during installation

The installation of a SATE system is carried out in a process with minimal disturbance to the users and there is even no need for the inhabitants to leave the house, they can live together. It is also a fairly quick process.

As it is on the façade, there is no loss of usable surface area of the dwellings.

Another of the great advantages of the SATE is that the interior space of the home is not affected at any time when the installation is carried out. This is due to the fact that – as the name, Insulation from the outside, indicates – the work is carried out on the façade.

Savings compared to other interventions

The energy renovation of buildings is becoming established as one of the optimal solutions for energy savings in existing buildings.

Revalue the building

According to data provided by ANDIMAC, (the National Association of Manufacturers of Insulating Materials), buildings that have installed SATE, can be revalued by more than 20%. Therefore, making this change is no longer an expense but an essential investment.

Environmentally friendly

SATE insulation is considered to be one of the most sustainable on the market and has been achieved thanks to its materials and installation system.

It also helps to reduce CO2 emissions, taking into account all that this factor entails in the fight against climate change. These are just some of the most significant advantages of this innovative system and why most homeowners choose to install the SATE in their homes.

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