SATE – Thermal Insulation

How to reduce the risk of dampness in times of heavy rainfall

Exterior thermal insulation systems (SATE) eliminate the risk of damp and water seepage through the façade, thus preventing the passage of water into dwellings and its effects, according to data from Molins, the expert company in innovative solutions for healthy construction, through its Propam Aisterm system.

Bearing in mind that 1 out of every 4 pathologies suffered by buildings are caused by damp, according to data from the insurance sector, and at a particularly sensitive time due to the ‘cold drop’ period and the DANA that is sweeping the country, it is important to know how homes can be protected inside and out with the SATE, a kind of insulating and waterproof skin that is installed on the exterior face of buildings, blocking water filtrations.

In addition, by enveloping and protecting the façade from external agents such as cold, heat or water, it also prevents damp from forming due to condensation. In other words, it puts an end to the so-called ‘cold wall’ effect that generates humidity and a feeling of cold indoors, thus causing unnecessary energy consumption.

30% electricity savings

In this way, as it is a shelter for buildings, it also reduces energy losses, helping to reduce consumption and bills by at least 30%, as it allows the home to be kept at a suitable temperature in both winter and summer. This is important considering that the price of electricity has once again reached record highs these days, resulting in a 25% increase in bills.

Likewise, as these thermal insulation systems are carried out on the outside of the home, they do not reduce interior space – which is affected by traditional systems – nor do they alter daily life during installation. Likewise, this type of system, which increases comfort and quality of life in the home, also improves and modernises the image of buildings and can even increase their value by more than 20%, according to data from Andimac, the renovation employers’ association.

A proven solution

In this context, Molins proposes its range of Propam Aisterm systems as an exterior thermal insulation solution, certified by the Eduardo Torroja Institute by means of European Technical Assessment (ETA) 09/0005, as well as by its Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) 007-001-03, which guarantee its functionality and sustainability.

This system, which is designed for both new construction and building refurbishment, is made up of different elements that work together and is compatible with all types of insulation such as EPS, XPS, mineral wool, wood fibre, cork, etc. In addition, it has different finishes to adapt to all kinds of requirements and needs.