Ceramic tile installation on fresh mortar

SoluciónCeramic tile installation on fresh mortar

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The traditional thick-bed technique presents risks, due to the evolution of ceramics towards low-absorption pieces.

The adhesion of the fresh mortar layer with the low absorption tiles is insufficient, a circumstance that leads to their detachment.

The large formats have warping or curvatures due to their manufacture, which makes contact with the substrate difficult.

The technique of wetting the flooring after the tiles have been laid does not produce any improvement in the adhesion of the tiles to the fresh mortar bed, due to its low porosity.

The solution is provided by a product applied by dusting with the fresh base prior to the laying of the ceramic tiles, VAT® TAC.

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The mortar regularisation layer shall be made with PROPAM® RECRECIDO PRONTO, PROPAM® RECRECIDO PRONTO PLUS, or siliceous M-7.5 mortar and shall be fresh in order to be able to apply VAT® TAC.


By dusting, for tiles of a format of less than 900 cm². Apply by sprinkling a uniform layer of 1 to 2 mm of VAT® TAC directly on the fresh mortar sheet, without any excess or shortage.

Then wet the product with water before fitting the parts.

By slip, for tiles larger than 900 cm². Knead VAT® TAC with a slow electric mixer (500 rpm), leave to stand for 1 minute, mix again to get the paste ready for use and spread on the substrate with a trowel or trowel.

Lay the tiles and press them until they are perfectly solid.

Leave a minimum joint (2 mm in interiors, 5 mm in exteriors) and fill it with the BORADA® range of joint mortars by Molins when the adhesive mortar has dried completely.


  • Do not apply in rainy conditions, or at temperatures <5º C or > 30º C.
  • Wind causes a decrease in the open time of the adhesive and thus reduced adhesion.
  • When the size of the tiles is greater than 900 cm² or with a rib greater than 3 mm, the tiles should be laid with double gluing.
  • On exterior floors, the substrate must have a slope equal to or greater than 1% to allow water drainage.
  • Do not use when there is a risk of standing water.
  • Carry out an adequate treatment of movement joints, respecting structural joints, perimeter joints (at those points where the surface to be tiled is interrupted by elements such as walls, columns, changes in level, etc.) and intermediate joints (in interiors every 40 m² and in exteriors every 10 to 25 m²).