Laying ceramic tiles on outdoor terrace

SoluciónLaying ceramic tiles on outdoor terrace

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Ceramic tiles laid on terraces, roof terraces and other outdoor paving with similar characteristics are exposed to numerous environmental aggressions (thermal changes, rain, frost, etc.), which cause significant expansion and deformation, so that their installation must be carried out following a very demanding methodology.

Temperature changes cause expansion movements of the workpieces, which the bonding material must also withstand.

A highly flexible adhesive mortar VAT® FLEXIBLE / PAM® ECOGEL FLEX / PAM® ECOGEL SUPERFLEX is required for correct installation, thus guaranteeing optimum adhesion.

Laying of ceramic tiles on outdoor terraces, using highly flexible mortars.

In addition, the use of a flexible cementitious waterproofing product that guarantees watertightness and is compatible with the subsequent adhesive, such as PROPAM® IMPE FLEX, should be considered on terraces.

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Solution: Laying ceramic tiles on an outdoor terrace


Check that the substrate is resistant, perfectly set, free of dust, paint, oil…

Check the flatness of the substrate with a ruler 2 metres long; differences should be less than 5 mm and repair defects by filling the gaps with mortar.


Knead with a slow electric mixer (500 rpm).

Spread VAT® FLEXIBLE / PAM® ECOGEL FLEX on the substrate with a notched trowel.

Carry out a good planning and execution of the movement joints; intermediate joints every 10 to 25 m², and perimeter joints with a minimum width of 5 mm in the joints between the ceramic flooring and the vertical walls. The use of PROPAM® IMPE FLEX waterproofing under ceramic tiles is recommended.

Leave a minimum joint width of 5 mm; grout after 24 hours with the BORADA® range of joint mortars by Molins.


  • Do not apply in rainy conditions, or at temperatures <5°C or >30°C.
  • Use waterproofing under flexible cementitious ceramic.
  • Double glue if the tile format is larger than 900 cm².
  • For quick commissioning useVAT® FLEX RAPID.
  • For laying large format tiles (>60 on one side) use PAM® ECOGEL SUPERFLEX.

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