Laying of ceramic tiles on the façade

SoluciónLaying of ceramic tiles on the façade

Descripción sistema

The adhesive used for the installation of ceramic tiles on façades must withstand very demanding conditions.

Water, frost and thermal shocks cause significant expansion and contraction of the tiles, which are transmitted to the adhesive.

The differential movements of the substrate also generate stresses in the tiles and in the adhesive.

The larger the tile format, the smaller the arrangement of joints between tiles and, consequently, the worse the behaviour of the tiling against deformation.

To withstand these conditions, a water and frost resistant adhesive is required, with high adhesion capacity and which is flexible to withstand mechanical deformations and thermal expansions. The grout must also be deformable, capable of absorbing the stresses transmitted by the tile.

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Solution: laying ceramic tiles on the façade


Check that the substrate is resistant, perfectly set, free of dust, paint, oil…

Moisten the substrate if it is exposed to the sun and/or very absorbent.

Check the flatness of the substrate with a ruler 2 metres long; the differences must be less than 5 mm and less than 3 mm in the case of ceramic sheeting, if necessary fill the gaps with mortar.


Knead with a slow electric mixer (500 rpm), leave to stand for 5 minutes and spread PAM® ECOGEL SUPERFLEX /PAM® ECOGEL FLEX/VAT® FLEXIBLE/VAT® FLEX RAPID / VAT® SUPERFLEXonthe substrate using a notched trowel. Double glue as soon as the size of the piece is more than 30 cm on one side.

Press the tiles in order to achieve a correct pressing of all the pieces, thus avoiding the existence of voids Press the tiles in order to achieve a correct pressing of all the pieces, thus avoiding the existence of voids between the tile and the substrate. Apply the adhesive with the notched trowel parallel to the shortest side of the tile, in order to favour crushing and the absence of cavities.

Leave a minimum joint width of 5 mm between pieces. Grout after 24 hours with BORADA® PLUS or BORADA® UNIVERSAL.


  • It is advisable to make expansion joints every 30 m² (small formats) or every 60 m² (large formats), as well as perimeter joints in cornices, floor slab projections, etc., and to respect the structural joints of the building.
  • Take into account a good arrangement of the joints, in case the tiles are dark and/or have a high coefficient of expansion.
  • Protect the upper edges of the cladding with metal profiles, guttering, etc., to prevent water from entering the bonding layer and the substrate, which would cause the tiles to detach in the event of frost.
  • For sizes above 2000 cm² and/or weights above 40 kg/m² the use of mechanical anchors is indispensable.
  • For applications where rapid commissioning is required, use VAT® FLEX RAPID.
  • For the installation of natural stone (marble, granite, slate) or artificial stone on facades, use VAT® FLEX RAPID.

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