Laying of large-format ceramic tiles on pavements

SoluciónLaying of large-format ceramic tiles on pavements

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The use of large-format ceramic tiles in flooringis becoming increasingly common. The special characteristics of this type of tile, such as a size greater than 2000 cm², low water absorption and often having a curvature or warping characteristic of manufacture, make it necessary to lay them using the double gluing technique, which consists of spreading the material with a notched trowel on the substrate and then applying a layer of adhesive on the back of the tile.

An alternative technical solution is to usePAM® ECOGEL FLEX in its fluid consistency, i.e. the double consistency of this product allows it to ensure optimum adhesion in a fluid form without the need for double gluing.

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Solution: Laying large-format ceramic tiles on floors


Check that the substrate is resistant, perfectly set, free of dust, paint, oil…

Check the flatness of the substrate with a ruler 2 metres long; differences should be less than 5 mm. In case of ceramic sheet the differences shall be less than 3 mm.


Knead with a slow electric mixer (500 rpm), leave to stand for 2 minutes and spread PAM® ECOGEL FLEX in a fluid consistency on the substrate with a semi-circular notched trowel, without double gluing.

Although this product has a long open time, check that the adhesive has not formed a surface film that prevents adhesion, especially in hot or windy conditions. If this is the case, re-comb with the aid of a notched trowel.

Press the tiles in order to achieve a correct solidification of all the pieces, thus avoiding the existence of gaps between the tile and the substrate.

Leave a minimum joint width of 2 mm in interiors and 5 mm in exteriors; grout after 8 hours with the BORADA® range of mortars for joints by Molins.


  • Do not apply in rainy conditions, or at temperatures < 5ºC or >30ºC.
  • On poorly absorbent substrates, open the pore with water and 50% hydrochloric acid (salfuman).
  • In case of significant flatness defects, PAM® ECOGEL FLEX or PAM® ECOGEL SUPERFLEX can be applied in a thixotropic consistency up to 10 mm in thickness and a thin layer printed on the surface of the workpiece (double gluing method).
  • Carry out an adequate treatment of movement joints, respecting structural joints, perimeter joints (in spaces larger than 7 m²) and intermediate joints (in interiors every 40 m² and in exteriors every 16 m²).

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