Laying tiles on prefabricated gypsum blocks

SoluciónLaying tiles on prefabricated gypsum blocks

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In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the use of prefabricated plaster and/or plasterboard (plaster plates and panels, ceramic blocks covered with plaster) for interior partitioning in the construction of houses; the need to carry out the works in shorter periods of time has meant a boom in the mechanisation of construction procedures and in the use of this type of material.

The nature of this type of substrate requires a number of precautions to be taken when laying ceramic tiles.

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Solution: laying tiles on top of prefabricated plasterboards


Remove the excess assembly adhesive used for the installation of the precast concrete.

The support must be strong and have a correct flatness.

The creation of reglets for the installation of electrical wiring, heating pipes, water pipes, etc., generates dust which is deposited on the surface of the precast element.

Wipe off any dust or dirt residues with a slightly damp sponge before starting the installation.

It is recommended to apply a primer with PROPAM® DUR or PROPAM GRIP+ to consolidate the surface. If the board is waterproofed, it is not necessary to carry out this operation.


Spread VAT® EXTRA, VAT® PORCELANICO FLEX, VAT® FLEXIBLE, PAM® ECOGEL FLEX, PAM® ECOGEL PORCEL, PAM® ECOGEL SUPERFLEX on the substrate using a notched trowel, double gluing when the size of the piece is greater than 900 cm².

Press the tiles in order to achieve a correct pressing of all the pieces.

Leave a minimum joint of 2 mm and grout after 24 hours with the BORADA® range of joint mortars by Molins.


  • The plaster paste or glue used in the installation of the precast must be dry and hardened before the tiles are laid.
  • The residual humidity of the substrate must not exceed 3%.
  • PAM® SPECIAL GYPSUM can be used for laying tiles with a water absorption of more than 6%.
  • For laying tiles with a water absorption of less than 3% and a larger ceramic side of 30 cm, useVAT® PORCELANICO FLEX, VAT®FLEXIBLE, PAM® ECOGEL FLEX, PAM® ECOGEL PORCEL, PAM® ECOGEL SUPERFLEX

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