Making quick fixings in masonry

SoluciónMaking quick fixings in masonry

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Masonry tasks like arrissing, small anchorings, door and window framing, attaching pawls, sanitary units, hinges, etc., require the use of quick hardening mortars that can provide very high mechanical resistances in a few minutes. 

The solution lies in using PROPAM® CEM RAPID, that is, a mortar formulated on the basis of high resistance cements and special quick setting and hardening admixtures.

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The substrate must be firm (minimum tensile strength of 1N / mm2), rough and free of oils, old paint residue, demoulding agents, dust, cement slurries, etc.

Moisten the substrate with water before applying PROPAM® CEM RAPID. This operation must be carried out with special attention if the surfaces are very absorbent (mixed walls, bricks) and if they are exposed to the sun.

The temperature of the substrate should be at least + 5 ° C and not more than + 30 ° C and ensure uniform temperatures during application and hardening.


Mix PROPAM® CEM RAPID as indicated in the technical data sheet. Mix with trowel or spatula until obtaining a homogeneous paste free of lumps. If more quantity is to be prepared, it is advisable to use an electric stirrer. Prepare each time the amount of mortar that can be used. Apply quickly, as the setting is very fast.

Once kneaded PROPAM® CEM RAPID can be applied by trowel or pallete. The application time is approximately 10 minutes.

Curing is essential when applying the material under conditions of strong sun, dryness, etc. It can be made with plastics, watering, damp burlap, etc.

Use PROPAM® PRONTO, thick quick-setting mortar ready for use,  in the case of filling of holes of greater thickness.


  • In summer it is convenient to preserve PROPAM® CEM RAPID from the sun and use cold water in the mixing.
  • In winter store PROPAM® CEM RAPID in premises with heating and use water at 20ºC.
  • Do not use PROPAM® CEM RAPID for structural repair.