Repair, reinforcement and waterproofing of the water filtration tank of a swimming pool.

The work consisted of an initial repair and protection of the galleries using PROPAM® REPAR TECHNO 40 MCI, a latest generation structural mortar with migratory corrosion inhibitors that actively contributes to the protection against corrosion of the reinforcement, FLEXITEX, a two-component mortar formulated with cements, synthetic resins and sulphur-resistant, flexible waterproofing for concrete. And subsequently in the reinforcement of the structure through the use of PROPAM CARBOCOMP Carbon Fibre laminates, with high mechanical resistance to traction, designed for the reinforcement of concrete structures.

Repair of damaged structures

After preparing the substrates, cleaning the reinforcements and repairing them, PROPAM® REPAR TECHNO 40 MCIis applied by spraying. Thanks to its high thixotropy, it can be applied to ceilings without sagging. It provides very effective protection against the diffusion of chlorides, which are present in the pool water and which constantly circulate through these filter tank galleries.

Waterproofing of galleries

PROPAM® REPAR TECHNO 40 MCI is also used in galleries for repairs to pillars and walls and for the installation of half reeds prior to the installation of the FLEXITEC waterproofing membrane on all walls and floors of the galleries. Waterproofing membrane that provides protection against water throughout the gallery. It was reinforced in the meeting areas and singular points with BETOFIBER GLASS fibreglass mesh.

Roof reinforcement

Finally, reinforcement is carried out at the established points with CARBOCOMP 512 laminate, bonded with BETOPOX BL epoxy resin. The use of reinforcements based on carbon fibre laminates makes it possible to avoid the use of reinforcements with metal plates. It is a system of very high mechanical resistance, ten times higher than steel. It is very light in weight, negligible in structural calculations, and does not present corrosion.

Technical Note:

The electrochemical corrosion process of reinforced concrete is initiated by a combination of the following effects: the presence of oxygen, the presence of wet concrete (electrolyte), the depassivation of the steel or loss of the protective alkaline layer and/or the presence of aggressive agents such as chlorides.

PROPAM® REPAR TECNO 40 MCI, manufactured with migratory corrosion inhibitors (MCI®), has the capacity to increase the concentration threshold at which chloride ion corrosion usually occurs and to delay the onset of corrosion, reducing the corrosion rate (loss of reinforcement section); it also acts on carbonation corrosion phenomena by delaying the onset of corrosion and also slowing down its speed once it has begun.

The use of corrosion inhibitors provides a very significant increase in the durability of the structure, thus contributing to the sustainability of the structure.