
Cementos Molins to reduce its emissions by 20% by 2030

The company is once again prioritising its environmental strategy to materialise its commitment to supply carbon-neutral concrete by 2050.

The company is once again prioritising its environmental strategy to materialise its commitment to supply carbon neutral concrete by 2050.

The new sustainability plan “Sustainability Roadmap 2030” covers the areas of Health and Safety, Climate Change and Energy, Circular Economy, Environment and Nature and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Among the objectives of the plan is the substitution of 40% of fossil fuels by alternative fuels.

16 February 2022_Cementos Molins has today unveiled its “Sustainability Roadmap 2030”, a roadmap that will lead the company to cut its emissions by 20% in 2030 compared to the 2020 baseline. This commitment will represent an acceleration in the emissions reduction plans that the company has been undertaking since 1990 and focuses on the strategic objective of supplying carbon neutral concrete by 2050.

The “Sustainability Roadmap 2030” reflects how sustainability is the main pillar of Cementos Molins’ strategy and highlights how the company works simultaneously on five priorities: Health and Safety, Climate Change and Energy, Circular Economy, Environment and Nature and Corporate Social Responsibility. For each of these, specific objectives are set and the specific initiatives that the company is promoting to achieve them are described.

“Sustainability is at the heart of Cementos Molins’ strategy and today we are pleased to share externally the specific objectives we have set in our Sustainability Roadmap 2030. These objectives and the corresponding action plans are the result of intense work by the Cementos Molins team together with our stakeholders and will be a great boost in the fight against climate change,” explains Julio Rodríguez, CEO of Cementos Molins. “We are committed to a zero emissions world, to a better world for everyone,” adds Rodríguez.

In the chapter on Health and Safety, Cementos Molins aims to register zero accidents by 2030. To achieve this, the company will focus on a culture of leadership in safety, the identification and correction of unsafe behaviour, the reporting and analysis of all accidents, the monitoring of proactive indicators and the linking of health and safety objectives to variable remuneration.

The Climate Change and Energy pillar sets a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions with respect to 2020, and to achieve a 55% consumption of electricity from renewable sources. In this section, Cementos Molins will focus on alternative fuels, maximum energy efficiency, the generation of renewable electricity and the production of cement and derived products with a smaller environmental footprint.

In terms of the Circular Economy, Cementos Molins will achieve an energy substitution rate of 40% by 2030 and a significant reduction in the clinker content of cement to 68% clinker factor globally. Likewise, the “Sustainability Roadmap 2030” focuses on the promotion of waste heat recovery processes, less waste generation and the incorporation of recycled materials in the company’s products and processes.

The Environment and Nature front establishes a reduction of channelled emissions of particulate matter (PM) by 50%, NOx by 40% and SOx by 10%. In addition, by 2030 all Cementos Molins plants will have biodiversity programmes. The main tools that will lead to the achievement of these objectives are the analytical control of alternative fuels, the continuous measurement of emissions in factories and emission reduction techniques, the promotion of plans for the reduction and efficient consumption of water and the promotion of specific reforestation and restoration programmes.

Finally, in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility, by 2030 there will be formal plans with local communities in 100% of the manufacturing plants and, with regard to female talent, the presence of women in management positions will reach at least 23%. Corporate volunteering programmes, partnerships with social actors, local procurement and employee satisfaction surveys and action plans will be another major support for the achievement of the 2030 goals.

About Cementos Molins. At Cementos Molins we have been creating products and developing innovative and sustainable solutions for the construction sector for more than 90 years, contributing to the development of society, the quality of life of people and the protection of the environment. We currently operate in Spain, Germany, Croatia, Turkey, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Tunisia, Bangladesh and India. Our integrated model includes the businesses of aggregates, cement, concrete, mortars, prefabricated products, urban environment and architectural façades, as well as waste recovery. Our long history has been made possible by our team of more than 6,300 employees in twelve countries and on four continents, working every day with passion, respect and integrity.