

We continue our commitment to training in the second half of 2021, adapting and taking advantage of the opportunities of new digital learning methods.

A company is a community of people around a purpose. And this professional community is a learning ecosystem. A space where working also means learning, a space where there are stimuli for learning” (Xavier Marcet).

One of the restrictions that Promsa has had to apply due to the pandemic, caused by Covid-19, has been the limitation of capacity at meetings, events and training sessions. In order to adapt to this new situation, we have adopted new ways of working that we were not used to.

Obviously the training has been affected by this situation, so we have adopted the on-line format which has allowed more people to join the sessions.

During the first half of the year, we have carried out various training courses, of which we would like to highlight the following:

  • Electro-pneumatics and electricity: it is vitally important that the people who work in the plant take continuous training courses in matters related to the maintenance of the plant and the equipment. In this regard, two training courses have been held so far this year and we expect to close the year with two more courses that will include mechanics.
  • Welcoming new recruits: we believe that the process of welcoming new recruits should reflect what Promsa and the people who work there are like. It is important to help new colleagues feel comfortable and adapt to our corporate culture.
  • Leadership and team management: aimed at providing tools to help new recruits and promotions in the management of work teams.
  • Commercial skills: with the aim of training the entire commercial team to improve their skills and provide them with tools to help them in their day-to-day management.
  • Technical-commercial product training: internal on-line training that is carried out continuously throughout the year for the sales and customer service team. These trainings are carried out by Product Managers and division heads to introduce new products and explain their characteristics, installation and on-site experience, pricing policy, etc.
  • Fire fighting: carried out by the Pronatur team with the aim of learning how to manage fire outbreaks and the use of oxygen cylinders.
  • Continuous online: training in different areas such as languages, paperless, digitalisation, Power BI, occupational risk prevention, fire prevention, cybersecurity, etc.

We will continue our commitment to training in the second half of 2021, adapting and taking advantage of the opportunities of new digital learning methods.