Professional development Empowering people development

One of our strategic objectives is to enhance people development to meet the needs of all our businesses.

Our principles

We attach great importance to the management and satisfaction of our team, implementing a series of key principles that foster their personal and professional development.

  • Promotion of the values of efficiency, effort and a sense of belonging to the group.
  • Fostering the professional development and management skills of people, through career and succession plans and the necessary training and mobility plans, taking into account our size and internationalisation.
  • Building a talented team to ensure future growth as a priority for the company.
  • Development of communication channels with the team to listen to their concerns.
  • Implementation of excellent safety management with the goal of zero accidents, positively impacting all dimensions of the business.
  • Implementation of a flexible remuneration system and team benefits.

Main factors impacting on commitment to people

Health and safety


Career development and opportunities

Performance and talent management



Benefits and recognition


Health and safety