
Cementos Molins increases net profit by 38% and reaches 124 million euros up to September

The company reported sales and earnings increases in all businesses and most regions in the first nine months of the year.

Cementos Molins today announced its results for the first nine months of the year, a period marked by a gradual slowdown in activity during the second and third quarters, although this evolution is uneven depending on the geographical area.

In the first nine months of the year, Cementos Molins’ sales amounted to 1,079 million euros, 13% higher than in the same period of the previous year, with increases in all businesses and most regions.

EBITDA reached 278 million euros, an increase of 33% over the same period of the previous year. This improvement in operating profit was mainly due to volume increases, the positive impact of the efficiency plans, and the improvement in selling prices, which was offset by the unfavourable impact of the exchange rate. The EBITDA margin continued to grow for the third consecutive quarter, increasing by 4.1 p.p. to 25.8% and recovering part of the previous year’s erosion.

Net profit was EUR 124 million, 38% higher than in the first nine months of 2007, with Mexico’s result being of particular note. This increase is the result of the strong rise in operating income, as well as the base effect of the comparison with the previous year negatively affected by the economic slowdown, strong cost inflation and tensions in the supply chain.

As regards net financial debt, during the third quarter it continued to decrease to EUR 34 million, equivalent to a net financial debt/EBITDA multiple of only 0.1x. This strong financial position is a great leverage for the execution of new growth opportunities and the investments foreseen in the 2030 sustainability roadmap.

CEO Julio Rodriguez explains: “Despite the increasingly difficult international environment, the results in the first nine months of the year demonstrate the strength of our business model that integrates products and solutions for the construction industry. We also continue to make progress in the execution of our sustainability strategy. I would like to personally thank the company’s more than 6,200 employees for their efforts and commitment, which have enabled us to grow in all our businesses and most of our geographic regions.

Inauguration of new facilities in Barcelona
Coinciding with its 95th anniversary, Cementos Molins has inaugurated new facilities in Sant Vicenç dels Horts (Barcelona), which include the complete remodelling of the office building, a photovoltaic installation for self-consumption, the redesign of green spaces, and a new plant for the recovery and valorisation of alternative raw materials. The new state-of-the-art facilities achieve significant environmental improvements and energy savings in line with the company’s sustainability roadmap.