Climate change

The fight against climate change is a key element in our business strategy, in line with the sector's climate targets to supply society with low-carbon building materials. We promote a production model based on efficiency and the use of alternative fuels and the circular economy.

2030 goals

55% consumption of electrical energy from renewable sources
20% emissions reduction compared to 2020 (Scope 1+2)
<500kg of CO2/t cementitious

How will we get it

  • Replacing 40% of fossil fuels with alternative fuels
  • Search for maximum energy efficiency
  • Renewable electrical energy generation
  • Replacement of clinker in cement through the production of cementitious products with a lower environmental footprint

Energy transition

With the aim of reducing our indirect greenhouse gas emissions, we are making great efforts to provide ourselves with electricity from renewable sources. In addition to acquiring them on the market, we promote our own renewable energy generation facilities and have contracts aimed at supplying electrical energy to production facilities.

Carbon footprint

In recent decades we have reduced our CO2 emissions by replacing fossil fuels with alternatives and generating renewable energy in our plants, creating products from recycling or replacing clinkers with other materials. We have the goal of zero-emission cement in 2050.

Circular economy